Wet Lab Research
- Molecular Characterization
- Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization
- Enzyme Productions and Inhibition
- Antimicrobial Assays
- Antioxidant Assays
- Bioethanol Productions from Various Sources
- Mushroom Cultivation and Growth
- Biomass Production
- Mycotoxin Detection and Characterization
- Plant Tissue Culture
- Compound Isolation and Identification
- Phytochemistry Research with complete Profiling
- Isolation of Compound from Fungal / Algal Cultures
- Bioremediation / Phytoremediation

Dry Lab Research
- SNPs Identification and Profiling
- Hypothetical Protein Identification
- Subtractive Proteomics
- Pan-Genomics Research
- Immunoinfoarmatics or Vaccine Design
- Chemiinformatics Research
- Network Pharmacology Research
- Molecular Docking and Dynamic Simulation
- Drug Discovery using AI-ML
- QSAR Research for Compound Identification
- Pharamcophore-Based Compound Screening Project
- Disease - Specific Target Prediction Project
- Molecular Docking of Protein-Protein Interaction, Protein-DNA and Protein Ligand
- Molecular Dynamics studies of Temperature Dependent simulation
- Molecular Dynamics studies of pH Dependent simulation
- Molecular Dynamics studies of metallo-Proteins
- Molecular Dynamics studies of Nanoparticles Research
- Concentration dependent MD Simulation Research
- De novo Transcriptome Analysis of Non-model Plant using RNA-Seq data for Gene Discovery and Marker Identification
- SNP identification using Whole Exome Datasets
- Identification of miRNA and siRNA in NGS data

Hybrid Research
- Nanoparticle Synthesis, Antimicrobial Activities Against Pathogenic Bacteria, and Bioinformatics-Based Target Prediction
- Isolation of Phytocompounds from any medicinal plant using Nanoparticle integration, and investigating their Activities using Bioinformatics-Based Target Prediction
- Mycotoxin Detection, Quantification, and Bioinformatics-Based Mycotoxin Pathway Analysis
- Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles, Characterization, and Computational Toxicity Prediction
- In Vitro Propagation and Computational Characterization of Phytotherapeutics through Integrative Analysis of Bioactive Metabolites from Medicinal Plants
- In vitro and In silico Profiling of Bioactive Compounds obtained from various food Sources
- Isolation and computational characterization of Bioactive compounds from fungal cultures (aspergillus niger) and assess their bioactivity